Allison Leland
Online School from an Online Teacher
Just to give you some background on me. I have three kids, two of whom are school age. I am also a teacher. I work from home and have for the last four years....
Cincinnati & NKY Guide to Outdoor Fun
In the interesting times we are living in, some of our go-to Summer and early Fall activities may be harder than usual to do - or may not even be possible this year. With...
Connecting with your Neighbors
Now that we are all spending more time at home (or all of our time), it’s the perfect opportunity to intentionally connect with the people who are living through these unique times right next...
April Family Fun {Quarantine Resource Roundup}
Editor's Note: Spring 2020 is teaching all of us quite the lesson in the importance of flexibility. For 6 years now, we have been publishing our monthly round-up of events. As of our date...
Confessions from a Neat Freak Mom
I am a perfectionist, type A, Enneagram 2 wing 1, and dare I say, control freak. In elementary school when we had to do a writing piece about a friend, my best friend titled...
Celebrating Diversity and Black History Month
February is Black History month and while I am a big advocate in celebrating all types of diversity year-round, there are some great opportunities this month to dig into African American history and culture.
Lessons From My Childhood
It’s always interesting to me to hear about and see different parenting styles. What I have learned in my nearly 7 years of parenting is that we really are all just winging it. We’re...
Dinos in Cincinnati: Celebrating International Dinosaur Month
My 6-year-old daughter loves dinosaurs and October happens to be International Dinosaur Month. Did you know there was such a thing? I sure didn’t but it seems like a great chance to explore these...
Surviving the Weekday: Tips for Success
As a mom of three with two kids in school (1st grade and preschool), a 6-month-old who still likes to wake up and party with mom in the middle of the night, and a...
One, Two, Three, or More
When my husband and I were contemplating having a third child, we heard from many people (and even the Internet) that three is the hardest number of kids to have. We struggled with infertility...