There's no better time than the summer season to gather the family and venture beyond the bustling city streets for a day at a nearby county fair. While the urban landscape of Cincinnati offers its own unique attractions, escaping...
My husband has been out of town on a mission trip and I have a friend that has been checking in on me all week to see if she can help me. It has been a busy week; I...
It is time for some potty talk. No, not the dreaded potty training phase, but a lesser-known potty issue. I’m talking about public restrooms. There is a special kind of dread when my children tell me they need to use...
Our 6-, almost 7-year-old, is adopted. He knows all about it so I am not spilling any tea. We talk about it openly with him. He knows who his birth mother and birth father are and we have a relationship...
My husband is a dad of three boys. I tried to think of something to give my husband for Father’s Day. I used to be the queen of gift-giving, with fun themes and outings planned, but having kids made...
I ran across a quote the other day that began a conversation between my husband and I that I believe many families would find a connection in their own stories as well.  “I wish I had not been in such...
Nestled between Bibles and bestsellers on our family bookshelf, a blue pleather-bound notebook holds a treasure trove of God’s faithfulness. For five years, my role in our women’s small group was to record prayer requests in this old journal. We...

Weekend Reset

My husband and I started a new routine at the beginning of this school year to help us and to help our 4th grader and kindergartener sons. Our work week is Sunday through Thursday, so our weekend is not your...
Many of us have a critical parenting voice running through our minds. I wish I was that kind of mom. Why am I not good at that? How does she do it all? My disapproving inner voice wonders why I’m not the chill...
TCT presents Disney’s Finding Nemo JR. at the Taft Theatre this month. Explore the big blue world with this lively new stage musical based on the beloved Pixar film! Ideal for ages 4+, Disney’s Finding Nemo JR. is a...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Fall Festivals & Fun Guide {2024}

We have decided that Fall really should be at least a month longer than it is. There is SO much to do (like Fall...

Pumpkin Patches

U-pick Apple Orchards