Guest Blogger
An Enneagram Type 7 :: The Enthusiast
Have you ever met those people that from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed they are going 100 miles an hour? These people live very chaotic lives, they...
5 Things Every Parent, Coach, & Educator Needs to Know About Superspecs
Bat: check, Glove: check, Superspecs: CHECK!
Finally! To many kids’ (and parents’!) delight, some youth baseball organizers around the state have decided to begin the season amid decreasing COVID-19 restrictions. If your son or daughter...
Giving Birth During a Global Health Crisis :: A Mother’s Perspective
While pregnancy is a joyous time, it can also be challenging. Whether you are expecting your first child or fourth, pregnancy can take a physical, mental, and emotional toll. And when you bring a...
Expert Edward Wallace: COVID-19 and African American Health Disparities
An emerging trend: African Americans are dying at higher rates from coronavirus.
Edward Wallace, PhD, on faculty at the University of Cincinnati and a public health expert with a focus on community health, health disparities...
What You Need to Know about Uterine Fibroids
If you’ve heard of uterine fibroids, but don’t really know what they are or if you’re at risk, you’ve come to the right place. Many women with fibroids suffer from heavy periods, severe cramps,...
This past week we had two major celebratory events... Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day. I do not work in the restaurant business, but from what I have seen, heard, and read since those...
Home-Based Learning: Your New Normal
Parents nation-wide are tackling the challenge of helping their children learn from home. As schools have closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, distance learning is the new normal. But what does distance learning look like?...
Show Up for Those Facing Infertility
As children we’re taught to ‘show up’ for one another, to commemorate beginnings and ends- a marriage, a divorce, a milestone birthday, the passing of a loved one and the birth of a child....
To Medicate or Not to Medicate? {Our ADD/ADHD Question}
I asked my friend who knows our son very well and happens to be a teacher, "Do you see any characteristics of ADHD in our son?" Her answer stopped me dead in my tracks:
Fathers are Parents, Too
As a father of almost four years now, I am still amazed at the number of second looks, second guesses, and overall worry from others when I have my daughter alone. As a society,...