
Rachel Whims

Rachel Whims
Raised in Cincinnati, I love partaking in everything our city has to offer. From the museums to the zoo to the parks and events for kids, I love introducing my children to the culture and enriching activities in our city. I grew up playing piano and clarinet and dancing ballet. I have a Masters degree in education and worked in healthcare before becoming a stay-at-home mom to my two sons. Life with two extremely active young boys, ages 3 and 1 is chaotic, but I am loving the opportunity to see them grow into little people! I've always been a writer and educator at heart and dream of becoming a children's author.
experiences to gift

25 Cincinnati Experiences to Gift this Year {2020 Edition}

If your house is anything like ours, the last thing you need this holiday season is more stuff. More toys, more gadgets, more anything! If we had to guess, our friends and family would most...

A Confession to My Sister

“Are you going to be a mommy for Halloween?” My 3-Year-Old asked you, his beloved Auntie B. You chuckled and said, “I hope so.” I smiled and told you it would be an adorable costume and...

November Family Fun in Cincinnati & NKY {2020}

November events for the family in and around Cincinnati have arrived. This year, COVID has caused us to pivot and change our perspective on how events look. Many events are lower crowds and offering...

Dear Me Before I Became a Mom

Dear me before I became a mom, You're in for the adventure of a lifetime. Your baby isn't the only one who was born today. You, as a mother, were born today, too. This is...

The Day You Left {Recognizing World Mental Health Day}

Last year on Aug. 23, my parents made sure to get me to come over to their house. We met friends right before so they could have a chance to meet our new baby...

When Motherhood Breaks Your Heart

Today, you broke my heart. We went to the library for storytime after you begged to go to "baby brother's class." I was excited to experience this special time with you, my firstborn, and...

Preschool During the Pandemic

"Why couldn't I go in?" My 3-year-old sobbed. My mom and I were driving away from Liberty Heights after I turned in the enrollment paperwork for his first year of preschool, trying to comfort...

I’m Not Ready for Quarantine to Be Over

As the world begins to open back up after the stay at home order, and we begin to venture forth from our safe haven, I have a lot of mixed feelings. Once I grow...