If you were to ask my three-year-old son Milo, where we went on Sunday, he would tell you, “I went to the superhero party.”  In reality, he and I took a trip to Cincinnati’s Annual Comic Expo.  It was...

Playground Skirmish

We were at a birthday party the other day. It’s the usual thing. Cookies and cakes, lots of fun stuff to play with and climb on. A good time is being had by all, though there are a few...
This post is part of a sponsored relationship with Your Wellness Center. We strive to partner with businesses we feel bring value to and are of interest to our community. Husbands. Boyfriends. Life partners. We like to think of these...

Stay-at-Home Dads

Is being a stay-at-home dad SAHD?  Read classic dad joke into that sentence. It’s not sad at all. In fact, for some couples, it’s the best thing for their family. There’s an archaic stigma that men should be the...
Odds are you don’t know me. If you did know me, you would quickly recognize that I probably qualify as a textbook introvert. If you are interested in what being a textbook introvert entails, author Susan Cain has an excellent...
When I was asked to write a post from a dad’s perspective, I was both excited and a little worried.  It’s always exciting to know that people are going to read what you have to say.  It was certainly...

Marshmallow Madness

A few years ago while bouncing around the internet, I learned an amazing secret. Since then, whenever I share this secret with other people, it always leads to a conversation in which the person I am talking to is...
I’ve always wanted to teach in an inner-city school. The second I got in front of my classroom, something amazing happened. Those kids, they weren’t just ‘the kids.’ They were now ‘my kids’. Regardless of how we look different,...

Sippy Cups Are The Worst

If I were one of those people who had a mortal enemy, I would have to say it is Richard Belanger. I suppose I should mention that I’ve actually met Mr. Belanger, and he has never done anything to...
As a middle school reading teacher, I am always answering parent questions about what they can be doing at home to help their kids with reading. If a parent of one of my students doesn’t ask, I’m guaranteed to...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is about more than not getting sick. This guide has some great local resources for your overall wellness.
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps