Warning: Do not read this if you haven’t had kids!  Or do, and remember you’ve been forewarned! I never thought I wanted kids. I thought maybe I was missing the “mom gene” or something. I was in denial for a...
The day we had a play date at the zoo, I looked at my husband and said, “This will be the last time I ever see them.” The “them” I am referring to used to be one of our...
With a glitzy wedding ring on my finger sporting two children on my hip, I have never really caught too much judgment from strangers. I hear how others do, but personally, my days have been filled with the ladies...
Last month I attended a live taping of one of my favorite podcasts... Alone. A bunch of local fans whom I met on Facebook coordinated a group dinner before the show. I confidently took an Uber to Clifton, walked...
Keep your shoes on, USA. In the Vice Presidential debate of 2020, then Senator Kamala Harris had to repeat herself multiple times when being interrupted by saying, "I'm speaking." Those two simple words (or three if you're counting the...
My husband and I weren't particularly worried about what anyone thought about us growing up - or to this day for that matter! So, it is a little foreign to us to have a daughter that cares so much about...
Thank you for following my teachings from Africa toward motherhood and taking the time to reflect upon the series on “Perspective of adaptability {Part 1}” and “Power of community {Part 2}.” In this last part of the series, I...

Beyond Biology

For someone who never thought she wanted kids, I certainly have found a love of motherhood that extends beyond biology. I had always thought that I would adopt one day, and I have witnessed the joy and pain friends...
“You have your hands full.” How many of us hear this? As a mom of four, I get it all the time. I got it when I only had two. My first two are 21 months apart. When my second...
Looking for some fun and simple crafts with the kids this holiday season? If you're like most households, you use toilet paper... a LOT of toilet paper. Want a way to reuse those TP tubes before throwing them in...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps

School Open House Featured Image

School Open Houses