Anyone who knows me knows that I am usually a glass half empty girl. I am a skeptic. I hope for the best, but plan for worst-case scenario. So when it took my husband and I over three years...
Public Service Announcement from one mom to another: If you, or your spouse is traveling to any of the Zika infected areas (think the Caribbean, Mexico, South America, Florida, and a slew of other places that are awesome to visit...
November 17th may be just a normal day to most families, but not to mine. Today is national Prematurity Awareness Day, and I am a mother of a former preemie. On this day, we remember the birth of our...
When you’re pregnant, people say some crazy things. If you’re reading this blog, I probably don’t have to tell you that. From the stranger who told me I should induce labor by “going home and making whoopee,”  to the...
I like to think of myself as a fitness junkie. Growing up I played sports outside with the boys. I was on competitive travel softball teams from the time I was eight years old. I received scholarship offers. I was...
After six months of being married, my husband and I decided to start trying for our first baby. I quit birth control and figured things would just happen quickly, for no good reason other than I lack patience and...
Warning: Do not read this if you haven’t had kids!  Or do, and remember you’ve been forewarned! I never thought I wanted kids. I thought maybe I was missing the “mom gene” or something. I was in denial for a...
The Almighty Internet is awash, dear swollen sisters, in advice about what not to say to you. Here’s an excellent guide from Parent’s Magazine, and a humorous one from from Babble. The advice is pretty good. Really. I agree with 95% of...
I have four words for you. Clomid. Is. The. Devil. Seriously. It's this teeny tiny little white pill that promises you this amazing thing you are craving, called pregnancy. And then after you take it for a while you become a...
Disclosure:: BLOOM is a sponsored event, made possible by partnerships with the companies mentioned in this post, however we would not work with a business we did not feel brought value to our readers and we are very excited...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps

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School Open Houses