  As moms we don't take much time for ourselves, so when we do we make it count. It doesn't take much in life to make a mom happy, it's the little things. So here are my top 10 guilty...
Everyone has heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child,” but how many people can actually say they have a village? “It takes a village” suggests that to provide a healthy and caring environment for a...
It’s Date Night. I fuss over what to wear, not liking anything in my closet. I stand in my closet, mentally pushing everything aside. I finally settle on a cute dress, simple cardigan, and sandals. I paint on light makeup...
We would like to tell you a little about our sponsor of our May event round up, Greenacres. At Greenacres, the month of May is filled with a variety of events plus Summer Registration is OPEN! Reward yourself with...
Prior to SharkBait (aka Jake) being born my husband and I enrolled in (and both attended) a 6 week baby readiness class that was offered at the hospital he would be born at. I can't say we didn't learn...

A Lost Photo Lesson

Recently, I was looking for a photo-a real, printed photo--of a college-age me standing in front of the Eiffel Tower. Try as I might, I couldn’t locate it among the boxes of ticket stubs and floppy disks from those...
What was your reaction when you read or heard that 2016 would be the last year for Lumenocity in Cincinnati? Like many, I was stunned and disappointed. I was further disheartened to discover that not only is it the...
Like a lot of you, I was triggered by this post. So much so that I smacked my phone to the table and made a juvenile face at it, then stomped away (to my sticky kitchen). “FINE,” I said....
I haven’t always been a curly girl. My hair started its life with a little wave and a whole lot of tangles. For much of my childhood, my mom kept it short because that was better than the daily...
It has been several weeks now since we bid farewell to what I will refer to one of the best televisions series ever, Downton Abbey. Writing for a blog I obviously wanted to capture this treasure and all my...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is about more than not getting sick. This guide has some great local resources for your overall wellness.
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps