February is National Heart Month and a great time to self reflect on how we love and care for the young hearts in our lives. We, moms, are always protecting & nurturing our children’s hearts; from the very moment...
So you’ve had a baby and you finally get to become the solo inhabiter of your body again after 9+ months of being nauseous and gassy, kicked and stretched, uncomfortable and hormonal. But, when you look at your body...
Before I had kids, I had a lot of theories about how I was going to parent. Some of these ideas were attempted and abandoned. Some changed to fit what was ultimately right for me and my family. Some...
In addition to being a middle school reading teacher, I am an avid reader. According to goodreads, I worked my way through 140 books in the last year alone. At any given moment I have about three books going...
You have made a trip to buy bins, baskets, or boxes since Christmas. You have organized the same closet more times than you can count. You park one (or two) cars in your driveway despite having a garage. You...
I don’t know if it is by chance or by design that Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17th) happens just a few days from our annual celebration of love, but I find it quite fitting. Sometimes holidays like...

Kids in the Kitchen

It's amazing to me that even at the tender age of 2, my son is capable of helping in the kitchen.  And, what's more, he WANTS to help.  As long as it doesn't involve a sharp knife or something...
Teachers are amazing, teachers are underpaid and a lot of teachers do not often get to hear the positive, the encouragement and the thanks from parents. In fact, often, I am sure it feels like they only hear the...
It went a little like this…I was applying my mascara and my three and a half year old was in the shower behind me. As I do daily, I was explaining what was going to happen that day and...

Dad Digest: Time

When I am not writing blog entries that contain nerd references for the moms in Cincinnati, I have a full time job teaching English at one of Cincinnati’s inner-city charter schools. It is a very demanding job that asks...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is about more than not getting sick. This guide has some great local resources for your overall wellness.
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps