Why a “Slow Parenting” Approach Kinda Rocks
If you receive a request for “just a few more minutes” of snuggles, how do you respond? Do you:
A. Think about the pile of dishes out in the kitchen that needs to be washed
Handwritten Notes: Why They Still Matter
When is the last time you sent a note in the mail? There’s a good chance you sent out holiday cards, but do you keep stationery on hand to drop some sunshine in a...
What Do You Do with School Papers?
She walks in the door and immediately drops her jacket, boots and backpack in the middle of the floor. Her excited little fingers fumble with the zipper on her backpack as she rushes to...
What’s Happening to Our Trees?
It’s the time of year when all eyes are on the trees. The hillsides turn into a lush green comforter covering the sides of the freeways and rivers. It’s one of our area's best assets - more...
The Moms We Are Blessed to Know: Kelly
Every day, more than 423,000 kids wake up in the foster care system, with nearly one-quarter of those children available for adoption. The average age of children in the system is 8 years old,...
Why Kids Need More Dirt (spoiler: it’s not because it’s fun)
Our first garden was built atop a junk pile. A junk pile that had shards of glass and random pieces of aluminum sticking out of it. The typical garden deals out scars to hands and...
Spring Cleaning Tips from the Pros
A little known fact about me is that I have more than 15 years of experience in the... wait for it... cleaning industry. I’ve profiled more than 100 people who manage the cleaning of...
So Our Daughter Is Interested in STEM Subjects, Now What?
Signs of our daughter’s fascination with how things work started as early as six months. I will never forget the first time she reached her little hand up into the spigot at the head...
He Tells Me I’m Pretty
In the morning, when I don’t have any makeup on and I am scared to look at my own reflection in the mirror.
When I have changed my outfit for the third time before a...
Cookies and Crunches: Shedding Holiday Pounds from Your Living Room
When you’re racing from one cheeseball house to the next during the holiday season and barely have time to unbutton your pants, let alone fit in a trip to the gym or studio, the...