

I am Mom to two beautiful, sassy little girls; Nora & Meredith. It was only after becoming a mother that I really started to appreciate how lucky we are to live in this Southwest Ohio, surrounded by amazing green space, culture, history, sports, and the arts. I love using all aspects of Cincinnati (Dayton and NKY too if I am being honest) as a playground for my kids and myself. I often drag my friends and family from the East side to the West side in search of another new and exciting adventure.

Why My Kids Don’t Play Video Games: Perspectives in Parenting {Series}

Before I had kids, I had a lot of theories about how I was going to parent. Some of these ideas were attempted and abandoned. Some changed to fit what was ultimately right for...

It’s All About the Dip

I love football. I prefer to watch teams that I care about (Boston College, Bengals, Falcons), but I actually enjoy all football.  I have been known to partake of some fantasy football festivities and...

Talking to Children about Grief, Loss and Death: The Death of a Pet {Series}

Grief, loss and death are not the happiest of subjects and no parent looks forward to the day when they have to address this subject with their child(ren).  However, it is unavoidable.  At some...

Oogoolz {Sponsored Post & Giveaway}

Disclaimer:: Cincinnati Moms Blog received free product and payment in exchange for this post, however all opinions are our own and 100% genuine! Oogoolz.  The name alone is enough to intrigue you.  (It becomes even...

Crafty Fun for (Nearly) Free: Pipe Cleaners {Series}

Crafty Fun for (Nearly) Free, is a series that explores budget friendly craft activities for kiddos of all ages.  We will show you  how to maximize a few bucks and simple supplies for hours...

My Little Reader

Nora has wanted to be able to read for forever. When I picked her up from her very first day of Pre-K 3 and asked her how her day was, she disappointingly told me "Good,...

Tackling Time Out

As I have previously written, I have a very passionate child. (Read more about that here.) So, needless to say, discipline is a continually evolving process for us.  Lately, we have been attempting to...

Life Lessons We Should Learn from Our Toddlers

As exhausting as they can be, there is a lot we can learn from the behavior of our toddlers.  Two year olds don't over-analyze or over-rationalize... they simply "do". Obviously, a world full of...

Virtual Friendships; Real Friends

The internet has definitely changed how relationships look and feel.  It is not uncommon to hear from someone that they met their spouse on a dating website.  We often "friend" people we barely know...

Choosing Your Clothing Battles

Let's discuss this outfit shall we? I will start by claiming zero responsibility for this outfit.  Nora has definite opinions about her clothing and this is a great example of what she feels is a...