

Hi, my name is Trishia and something that I value about my story is how my heart is outstretched throughout the world and I have many "homes" that fuel my soul. Being born and raised in Alabama, my southern roots remain a deep part of me. Living in New Orleans and then relocating to Cincinnati, post Hurricane Katrina, I learned how being exposed to culture and diversity can build empathy into a person. Married a generous, humble, hard-working man, Brett, from Cincinnati and then later moved to Kenya, Africa where our years spent working overseas has shaped my soul in more ways than I can articulate. We are now back in Cincinnati, investing in building a staffing company, and after 17 years of marriage are raising a 12 year old son, an 11 year old daughter, and a 10 year old son. Jesus is my anchor; I love quality time, sharing heart to hearts, traveling the world remains a passion; witnessing community loving one another well encourages me; photography is a lens I use to invest into the hearts of others at T Ralston Photography {www.framethejourney.com}

October Photo Scavenger Hunt

Pursuing photography’s beautiful lens has been full of its learning curves on the journey of owning a business while investing in the passions of the art of it all.  Recently I stepped outside of my...

When to Lay Down the Phone

In a quick passing of conversation with my oldest child, I experienced a life-changing revelation.  “Hey mom, can I play on the iPad tonight?”  “You played on it earlier this morning, so you do not need...

A Letter to the School-Aged Mama

I have had the distinct privilege of staying home with my little tribe for the past eight years and as the day all my children will be school-aged draws near, I have felt the...

Wanderlust of Cincinnati

One can see the word "wanderlust" painted on a coffee mug peacefully at home while welcoming a sunrise in the morning, or printed on a shirt while traveling the world in all its adventures....

Waiting Room: A Letter to a Mom Awaiting a Diagnosis

Dear Mom in the waiting room, I see you. I see you waiting in the trenches of a possible diagnosis and wading through the layers of emotions that this brings for you. I feel for...

Spring Cleaning the Cobwebs of Heart

There is something about warmer weather that ignites a soul to MOVE and to mark their progress in different ways as social media is infiltrated with the words “be better and get stronger.” Spring...

See you next year, Kindergarten…

I see you, Mama, watching from the sidelines as kindergarten registration opens and you sense the urgency of a decision of whether or not your child is ready for the jump. Summer birthdays complicate the...

Tear Stained Nuggets: Supporting a Mama in Grief…

Something that happens in motherhood that can drop kick a mama is how when hardship occurs life does not stop screaming out for MORE of you. The needs can quickly become an overwhelming place...

Valentine’s Day: Showing Love From Your Piggy Bank

Valentine’s day and the portrait of love day is often showcased thru gifts of affection, be it thru extravagance or thoughtful expression. If one scrolls social media then shout outs for this special day...

Words and Phrases To Avoid This Year

A new year is full of its spoken words of resolution, reflection, and renewal and it is in these places where one chooses which dreams are prioritized as action to pursue. Social media is...