

Hi, my name is Trishia and something that I value about my story is how my heart is outstretched throughout the world and I have many "homes" that fuel my soul. Being born and raised in Alabama, my southern roots remain a deep part of me. Living in New Orleans and then relocating to Cincinnati, post Hurricane Katrina, I learned how being exposed to culture and diversity can build empathy into a person. Married a generous, humble, hard-working man, Brett, from Cincinnati and then later moved to Kenya, Africa where our years spent working overseas has shaped my soul in more ways than I can articulate. We are now back in Cincinnati, investing in building a staffing company, and after 17 years of marriage are raising a 12 year old son, an 11 year old daughter, and a 10 year old son. Jesus is my anchor; I love quality time, sharing heart to hearts, traveling the world remains a passion; witnessing community loving one another well encourages me; photography is a lens I use to invest into the hearts of others at T Ralston Photography {www.framethejourney.com}

Words and Phrases To Avoid This Year

A new year is full of its spoken words of resolution, reflection, and renewal and it is in these places where one chooses which dreams are prioritized as action to pursue. Social media is...

Find Your Merry

Tis’ the season to be jolly, fa la la la la… Who hears those words on repeat in this holiday season and instantly mumbles, yea right la la la la blaaahhhh, as stress attacks...

Thanksgiving Found in the In-Betweens…

Thanksgiving is a chosen mindset of expression for receiving the differing dynamics of our life journey. One often chases after visions of what is to come with a fierceness of heart for the...

Present over Pinterest: Our Goldfish Swim School Birthday Party

Birthday celebrations often take various expression within families. For some, it is an all-out extravagance throwing out every streamer, balloon, and confetti to commemorate the special occasion. For others, it may be a simplistic...

Face Little Debbie and Get Ready for Fall!

Seasons are changing as a crispness in the air rises and colors paint their portrait of fall among the trees. With its newness, comes favorite traditions being lived out and activities of investing in...

How to Best Receive the Gift of “Mompreneur”

Expectations can empower someone to live out their roles with greater capacity or they can defeat a spirit when the stakes feel too high and the wrong sacrifices are being made. If you are...

Mothering From a Bedside View…

What flows through your mind when you hear these words? Expectation. Present. Enough. Comparison. These powerful words have been spoken, thought, wrestled, processed, written, and shared a million times over since I have become a mother. Seasons change and...

Receive the New Pace

Oh hey you, summer breaker mama, who took it slow and savored those lingering days with rest and reprieve together and marked the days with a schedule that allowed for spontaneity of come what...

There is IMPACT in the Everyday

I can voice with deep articulation the exact moments that I have felt the word impact flowing through my life with affirmation and with a thriving presence. Visions of New Orleans and Africa rush...

You Are a World Changer, Mother

Writing in early morning is my favorite place to embrace the stilled moments. Colors of sunset hues are bursting thru my window panes and ushering a readiness for introspection and for inspiration. This has...