I don't know about you but when I think about swim lessons, I picture adorable little cherubs learning how to get their faces wet and get out of the pool unassisted. I know my kids definitely took their fair...

Receive the New Pace

Oh hey you, summer breaker mama, who took it slow and savored those lingering days with rest and reprieve together and marked the days with a schedule that allowed for spontaneity of come what may. Often times a mom undergoes...
Think 4-H is all about agriculture and farm animals? You are in for a BIG surprise! While 4-H clubs were first known as “corn clubs” for boys and “canning clubs” for girls, the program is now found in nearly...
Recently, I took my eight and a half year old to her annual checkup, and her pediatrician started going through the usual questions of whether she ever worried about not having enough food at home, anything bad or scary...
Last month, I was running late, per usual to get to my son's speech at the living rosary. I briefly got a glimpse in the rearview mirror of my minivan and had a startling revelation. My baby is...
I looooooooove vacation. More to the point, I love travel. Ocean breezes soothe my stressed out mind. Exploring a new city lifts up my spirit. A long drive laid out on a road ahead of me makes me practically...
"The Birds & The Bees" Talk goes in three stages: Fairy Tale Allusions Sanitized Honesty The Real Stuff It's easy when they're little toddlers and want to know where babies come from... "Storks bring them.. let's just watch Dumbo; you'll...
As parents, we made a commitment to raise our 3 boys to embrace nature and to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Luckily, our home abuts 70 acres of a dedicated nature preserve. The early years of parenting...
“YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!” It isn’t just something over-stimulated three-year-olds scream at their beleaguered mothers. If you’ve ever heard those words, or just experienced the dawning realization that your child has adopted this attitude, you know how frustrating it...

The Family Meeting

Our family has graduated to the chaotic stage where mom can no longer be the keeper of all the information. I simply cannot. Just last week, I sent my dad to pick up my child from school only to forget...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is about more than not getting sick. This guide has some great local resources for your overall wellness.
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps