Let Mom Be


Play this as you sing along to a new parody of this popular melody!

When I find myself on the verge of a breakdown
Mommy-time’s a necessity
You’d be wise to back off
Let Mom be

And when I’m in my time-out, Daddy
Don’t let the kids ask help from me
You can keep them busy
Let me be

Let me be
Let Mom be
Keep the kids away from me
Bring me wine & chocolate
Let Mom be

A bubble bath could be relaxing
A spa day, a luxury
So many things I could do
Let me see…

You think mommy’s a super-hero?
Taking care of everything
Let me rest in silence
No YouTube TV

Let me be,
Let Mommy be
I’m sick of scrubbing caked on pee
A night off without cooking

Let me be
Let Mom be
Wash the dishes, wipe the seat
You can find your own socks
Without me

Our tasks are always never-ending
Grocery shopping, classroom-mommy,
Can’t you see our plate’s full?
Not easy

Our coffee always gets reheated
Hot showers, are you kidding me?
You want to see adulthood?
Let mom be

Let me be, Let me be
I want to be the best mommy
But I can’t always do that
Folding laundry

At the end of my mommy time-out
I will be refreshed and not snippy
I won’t hide in the bathroom
To eat candy

As moms, we really need the time
To be the best that we can be
I can’t help you fully
If I can’t help me

Let me be,
Let Mom be
I love my kids so dearly
My family’s my priority
Can’t you see?

Let me be,
Let Mom be
I want to have fun daily
But I won’t be any good
Without energy

Let me be
Let Mom be
I truly do love being me
It’s the best job I’ve had
A Mommy!

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Abby Turner Hager
I am originally from New Hampshire and moved to the Cincinnati area in 2003. I am a single mom to 2 amazing boys, Eli and Ethan. We are avid Reds fans and you will likely find us at the ballpark quite a bit during baseball season. I have a degree in healthcare management and work full-time in Cincinnati. I have shared parenting of my boys, so when we are together, I try to make sure we make the most of our time! Whether it’s seeing Madcap Puppets, exploring the numerous local parks, enjoying the Cincinnati Pops, or cheering on our Cincinnati Redlegs, I strive to expose my boys to as many aspects of culture that I can! I enjoy music (I’ve played piano for 30 years) as well as being crafty (as time allows!), making crazy cool cakes, and relaxing with my boys, our dog Frankie and cats Lyra & Luna (we have quite the animal kingdom in our house)! I’m really excited about sharing a piece of my world with you and this oftentimes humorous and wild adventure I call my life as a mom!


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