Chrissy Bender
Top 10 Tips to Eat Clean in the New Year
With the New Year comes an opportunity for all of us to reflect and set goals for ourselves. This list should help inspire you to eat cleaner, and give you the information you need...
Greens with Shallots and Bacon
We all know we should be eating leafy greens. But as we get into the cooler time of year, fresh green salads aren’t nearly as appealing for every day. Finding a recipe for sauteed...
Natural Body Care Products (yes, they work!): Women’s Edition {Series}
Over the years, I have been trying to “green” our life even more. We have started using cloth diapers, nixed dryer sheets, started cleaning more with vinegar and baking soda, and using reusable grocery...
Motherhood at Dusk {Series}
When I first learned of the opportunity to have a photographer from come to our house specifically to take candid shots, I honestly wasn’t too excited about it. Especially since these were early...
Ice Dying DIY
I love DIY projects that are pretty simple and achievable. I’ve also never made tie dye before, and I’ve always wanted to. After doing a bit of google research, I decided ice dying would...
Farmers Market Corn Salad
This delicious, fresh summer salad was a crowd-pleaser with our family! The local corn at this time of year is sweet and delicious, the tomatoes are juicy and full of flavor, and the cucumbers...
Summer Squash and Tomato Gazpacho
Soup and summer don't go together. Unless, of course, it is gazpacho. Gazpacho is traditionally made with tomatoes and is served cold. This summer version of it includes yellow squash and a bell pepper....
Roasted Garlic Green Beans with Pine Nuts
Fresh green beans can be so delicious. They can also be very bland with the wrong recipe. This is a great recipe- simple enough, yet great texture and a wonderful flavor. If you don't...
Easy Overnight Chia Oats with Fresh Berries
Mornings are so hectic when you are getting yourself and tiny humans ready for the day, especially if you are trying to actually get somewhere on time. (What?!)
This overnight oats oatmeal is perfect, because...
Perspectives in Parenting: We Bed Share (and get a lot more sleep than if...
When my first daughter was born, we had no plans to bed share. We had purchased an Arm’s Reach Co-sleeper to have her right next to our bed. She had other ideas. After laboring...