Normarys Perez-Linn
5 Things I Can Learn from My “Threenager”
When my son was close to turning 2, a lot of our friends with older kids started telling us that the “terrible twos” were actually not that terrible. That it was when he turned...
Santa Sightings
Looking to connect with Santa Claus around Cincinnati?
We have a comprehensive list of Santa Sightings in Cincy just for you! If you have a Santa Sighting to add to the list, comment below or...
Showing Love One Meal at a Time
In his book Love Does, Bob Goff states that “love is never stationary in the end. Love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does!”. I believe...
Keeping the Chaos Organized
Our family recently went from three to five members by adding twins. It’s been awesome but also challenging in many ways. A lot of people tell me “I don’t know how you do it.”...
Lessons from My Abuelas
Growing up, I was very close to my grandmothers or abuelas as we call them. I saw them frequently and they impacted my life in ways I am still discovering. I loved spending time...
Quesitos: A Puerto Rican Pastry
If you grew up in or have visited Puerto Rico, there’s a high probability that you know what a quesito is. In case you don’t know, it is a puff pastry stuffed with cheese...
Self-Care During Newborn Days… And Nights!
I believe that at one point or another every mom has asked herself, when will I feel a little bit more like a woman or even like a slightly more functional human being?
Expecting Baby Number 2 and Number 3
My husband and I were very happy and excited when we got a positive pregnancy test. It took awhile to get here and it was a true roller coaster of emotions fueled by meds,...
Heart of CMB: JDRF – Curing Type 1 Diabetes
My husband was 11 when he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (T1D). T1D is an autoimmune disease in which insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are mistakenly destroyed by the body’s immune system. T1D seems...