I have high hopes for you!
Personally, I’m hoping you bring health, not only into my life but to those around me. That you offer me more opportunities to spend quality time with my family and my friends as well as the gift of being truly present. I hope you bring me clarity, calm, and strength for the busy months ahead, taking care of little ones while also taking care of our business and home. Finally, I hope that my relationship with my husband grows stronger and deeper as we take on new challenges together as a unit.
I also wish you bring peace, unity, and joy to a world and a country that is battling division, immense anger and all sorts of injustices. I pray that we all start coming together to find real solutions to troubling problems and that above everything else love rules over every issue and relationship. Please help us to truly love, help, and accept all of our neighbors by using our differences for the betterment of our communities, our country, and humanity.
2018 was both a hard year and a blessed year. My Abuela (my mom’s mom) passed away, we fought through fertility treatments that started the previous year, and were challenged both physically and emotionally. Nonetheless, I was given the gift of time to spend two full weeks alone with my husband, good health for us as a family, two new babies that will join us in the spring of next year and many friends that surrounded us with unconditional love. Even though there were natural disasters and many innocents life lost these past twelve months, I also witnessed how firefighters worked tirelessly to save lives, how first responders worked long hours to rescue people from floods and how an entire city came together to give a boy with terminal cancer one last chance to experience Christmas in September.
Looking back is hard to remember all these things without getting a little bit emotional. I can’t believe we just have a few days left in 2018 but I am determined to make the best out of them. I also believe there is more good than bad in this world and I hope I continue to see that during the next twelve months.
2019, help me remember this when days get long, news get sad, and things start to lose their brightness. Bring it on!