Congratulations! You made it to another summer vacation! If you are a mom, you probably fall into one of three categories when it comes to mixing parenthood and summer: You are new to the mom scene, and still in the...
Have you ever seen an ad for a diaper research study and thought 'I wonder what that would be like? Is it worth my time?'. Well, thanks to some local moms and our friends at the Discovery Center we...
Do you ever worry about the adults your children will become? In a world that has so much bad in it, do you find yourself wishing for your family to be part of the good? As parents, there are...
There are many things I learned about the world during my tenure as a teacher. But I never realized how much teaching would impact my parenting. Here are 10 things I learned as a teacher that have made me...
I love vacations. The anticipation, the planning, the prep, and, of course, the fun fun FUN. However, without fail, one thing threatens to spoil it all. Road trip. Hours and hours spent in a semi-confined space with four increasingly...

The Coach’s Wife

As the school year starts up so do lots of other extracurricular activities. Chances are some sports started with practice several weeks ago and the leaders and coaches of all of these groups started planning and thinking about the...
Raise your hand if you were lucky enough to ever receive Amish Friendship Bread.  Go back to your 12-year-old self and recall walking into school. You are handed a large Ziploc bag whose contents are of the same consistency of the...
I’ve spent the last two weeks weaning my one-year-old baby. My last baby. I’ve spent the last two weeks feeling my breasts fill with milk for the last time. And I’ve spent the last two weeks sobbing intermittently, eyes...
Christmas, birthdays, and holidays in general, are changing a lot in my household. It has always been about making the most of these big days. Presents, decorations, and making things extra special was all that mattered to us. One thing...

Weaning a Toddler

Aug. 27, 2018. The last time my son nursed. He was 27 months and 25 days old. He had nursed every day of his life until then. It was a bittersweet moment, but I think we were both ready....

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In + Around Cincinnati

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is about more than not getting sick. This guide has some great local resources for your overall wellness.
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps