In true labor, a contraction lasts about 60 seconds and occur 3 – 5 minutes apart. Coming from being a CrossFit junkie who worked out 5 -6 days a week I immediately thought to myself, one minute of hard...
Despite the cold weather we have had, summer is approaching quickly and that means planning for camps. One of the tasks that comes with sending kids to day camp is packing lunches. We hope to ease some of that...
My three boys grew up with what they consider a pretty big handicap when it comes to moms... I am a nurse... and I speak very anatomically.  That's just how I roll. I think it's okay to say words...
February 25th through March 3rd is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.  I struggled with disordered eating and body image issues for close to 12 years. I avoided people, events, and gatherings because of this. I’d choose to be alone...

Parenting Through Pain

Defined as an invisible disability, pain can be difficult to navigate being a mama - forcing us to check our ego and our guilt at the door when we must put ourselves first. Yet as moms, we often give up...
As a pediatric speech therapist, I am frequently asked by friends and family members about whether or not a child may need to be evaluated for a speech and/or language delay. My short answer is usually, “Trust your gut. If...
After a long day of feeling like you've taken care of the entire world and as your sanity is getting ready to bust at the sound of one more person saying your name or in your face...  It becomes hard...
While everyone is giddy over their Instant Pots, I get butterflies thinking about what I can air fry next. I absolutely love a good culinary gadget. Hand me something that can shorten the time or amp up the taste, and...
"A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money." - John Ruskin I don't know about you, but these cold winter months have really put me in a funk. There's nothing really...
This is a sponsored post presented in partnership with ABC Pediatric Therapy Network. We are proud to work with them to provide today's parents with expert advice and information. Breakfast. Lunch. Brunch. Snack. Dinner. Supper. Tea. Dessert. There are so many...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is about more than not getting sick. This guide has some great local resources for your overall wellness.
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps