As exhausting as they can be, there is a lot we can learn from the behavior of our toddlers.  Two year olds don't over-analyze or over-rationalize... they simply "do". Obviously, a world full of adults who run around acting...
The internet has definitely changed how relationships look and feel.  It is not uncommon to hear from someone that they met their spouse on a dating website.  We often "friend" people we barely know on facebook in an effort...
Ah, baby-proofing.  The oft obsessed about, requirement of new parents.  Just go to any store that sells baby stuff (not even a baby-only store) and you'll find endless racks of baby-proofing paraphernalia.  To not baby-proof is to commit a...
New Year’s Eve – always a bit of a dicey holiday coming on the heels of all the other holidays at the end of the year. It can be either fantastic or a letdown, and priorities for this holiday in...
Crafty Fun for (Nearly) Free, is a series that explores budget friendly craft activities for kiddos of all ages.  We will show you  how to maximize a few bucks and simple supplies for hours of fun and entertainment! This edition...

Choosing Your Clothing Battles

Let's discuss this outfit shall we? I will start by claiming zero responsibility for this outfit.  Nora has definite opinions about her clothing and this is a great example of what she feels is a great wardrobe choice.  At least...
With family that lives 10 hours away, we've done our fair share of long distance car trips.  We've left all times of the day, from 8am to 1pm to 5pm and everything in between.  We've stopped part way and...
I grew up in a family crazy about Christmas. Christmas music played twelve months a year, eight full-sized Christmas trees decorated our living room, and individual present counts neared one hundred. It was crazy, but it was fun. Really...
A Simple Season: Tips for Keeping the Heart of the Holidays Part Four: Stopping the Christmas Morning Crazy Anyone else long for the Christmas morning in the Folgers commercial? The leisurely wake up, the aroma of coffee, snuggly pajamas, homemade cinnamon...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps

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School Open Houses