The investment toward mental health takes an intentionality to show up in the everyday roles that stretch you with a weight of varying responsibilities and let yourself be seen and known in those places.
My husband and I love the conversation around Habakkuk 2:2-3…
Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
As a mom, our moving parts are all over the map and if we allow ourselves, our energy is depleted in every move that we make and then we are left an empty tank. A place that we have found most fruitful to increase that emotional energy is to create a rhythm in the everyday movements of our home where we are writing the vision of our investments plainly so that we can pursue mental health support with awareness and with acknowledgement.
It is easy at times to become consumed with all the responsibilities of our day that we forget to look up from the movements, take an inner assessment of self, and choose some hand-on-chest moments that say, “This is important!”
Words of affirmation is my love language and the way that words, when spoken from truth and love, can impact my soul is life giving at the core. I have found that part of that love language for me includes the “pictures are worth a thousand words” at times and to display things that remind me of truth is impactful toward encouragement in my days.
I have found the pursuit of mental health is everywhere and sometimes we just need continual promptings of reminders of it. Here is a list of some reminders to “make it plain on tablets” for you as you pursue what is written on your hearts in this season.
Choose a coffee mug of inspiration.
I love choosing which mug I want to use in my morning meditation time. A favorite is one that says “Warrior, Not Worrier” or choosing a travel one that I can take on my school drop-off car runs with my kids that just prompts my spirit into a morning of mindfulness.

Notice the places where light lets in your home.
I take notice when light is illuminating through my window panes throughout my home. Sunbursts are a beautiful source of grounding for my spirit and there are times that I choose which house tasks I invest in based off of when light is let in.

Temporary tattoos of inspirational words.
My daughter and I share this pack we got off of Amazon and I have loved how it has shaped the conversations in our mindsets as we stay mindful of things we want to focus on.

Letter boards that you can change out phrases.
It is great when a quote or something impactful hits your spirit to have a place to remember it as you memorize it and let it speak to you throughout the week.

Create a photo board in your home with peaceful lights and encouraging sayings.
My daughter has loved this space in her room where we can create some photo memories together and it creates a loving place to rest beside.

Mindful candles.
I keep this mindful candle set near my couch and it is used for 20-minute check-ins with my family members or a place of pause with myself within the day.

Print and display photos that meant something to you in a moment shared with your people.
This particular photo reminds my spirit that even in the most difficult of weeks, there are moments where play brings out a shared laughter that can co-exist even in tough moments. It reminds me to take time to laugh and to play.

Choose a coffee table book that inspires you.
This particular book on capturing authentic moments was a gift that keeps on giving as I open its pages and am reminded of the opportunity of presence.

What are some ways that you display promptings to pursue your mental health and strength in your home?