Professional Moms :: A Series {Ixi Chen}

No two motherhood journeys are ever the same, even among those that are working moms. Our paths and ways of doing this mommy thing are uniquely are own, and that is worth celebrating. There are some incredibly talented and brilliant mamas in our city that gracefully wear the hats of both professional and mom. This series will highlight a handful of these women, as they open up on the delicate balance between their two worlds.

ixi chen

The next local momma in this series we bring to you is Ixi Chen! We got with her for a virtual interview and are excited to share some of her story and perspective on motherhood, all while she maintains being one of the most talented people to ever play the clarinet. Ixi joined the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO) in 2011 as a clarinetist, and she is the Founder and Artistic Director of concert:nova!

Tell Us a Little About Yourself

I’m mom to a 9-year old boy and have 2 stepsons, age 13 and 15. My love language to them is cooking, going on adventures, and having snuggle-time movie nights. I play clarinet, teach clarinet, coach people on trusting their vision and courageously pursuing their dreams, and make collaborative performances.

ixi chen and family celebrating

What’s Your Favorite Part of Being a Working Mom?

The boys will always have memories of rehearsals in the house, of artists and creatives constantly coming and going!

What Ways do You Make Sure to Connect with Your Kids on an Intentional Level?

We always eat together, no matter how busy we all are. And, we celebrate everything we can 🙂

ixi chen and family

What is Your Greatest Achievement/Accomplishment in Motherhood?

It’s probably the very mundane aspects of life, like doing laundry, tidying, and cooking that I hope contributes to their being smart, kind, capable kids!

What is Your Greatest Achievement/Accomplishment in Your Career?

There are 2: Using music to create community, and helping people realize their potential.

ixi chen and family with dog

Have You Ever had a Conflict of Passion between Your Kids and Your Career?


What has been Your Toughest Moment of Wearing Both Hats of Professional and Mother?

I always hated leaving in the evenings for concerts, and having babysitters put them (especially when they were small) to bed.

Thank you, Ixi, for sharing with us!

Are you a working mom? How do you balance a career and kids?


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