Savoring Summer


Summer is almost over and school is around the corner. Visiting family and pajama parties all night for the kids. My house is low on sleep but full on love. Time is flying by as we work these jobs as parents and try to make memories for our children.

How are you spending your summer?

Sometimes we want to have the elaborate vacations for our kids, but sometimes the simple ones makes the best memories. Remember it’s not about how much you spend on your kids this summer, but how much you invest yourself on reconnecting with your kids, nephews, nieces and/or their friends. Get to know your children and be a kid yourself again. Create that relationship where they can feel comfortable with you. They will love you for it.

Remember to get out there and allow the kids to explore nature. Step away from social media and allow their minds to imagine, create, and be curious. Fresh air and the warmth of the sun touching your skin. Aerobic exercise like walking and hiking can have such a positive impact on your mental status. Reducing your anxiety and depression. Great for exercising your muscle and keeping your body strong.

Relax, skip rocks and treat yourself to a small picnic. Paint rocks with mottos and leave on a hiking trail for someone to find. Spread kindness and love Mother Earth and the little gifts she gives us to enjoy. The mud, water, wind, trees, and animals. I’m so lucky to have gotten the opportunity to reconnect with my son, Blake, and my adorable nephews, Diego, and Lucas.


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