A Scooter and a Box of Bandaids




Our 6-year-old got a scooter for his 6th birthday.

Mimi and Pop-pop asked what they could get him for his birthday and that little boy needed no toys to play with, but we thought something to play with outside would be a good idea. He watches his brother on his scooter and always wanted to try, but he is tiny and was engulfed by his brother’s scooter.

Amazon gave us many choices and we sent the link to Mimi who delivered an amazing scooter for said birthday.

Best gift ever. “Mimi and Pop-pop rock.” – Actual 6-year-old quote

Our little guy hopped on it immediately and started scooting. After a short time, we got up close and personal with the landscaped bricks.

Insert bandaids here.

He hopped himself up, dried his tears, and was on his way scooting again. He was really getting the hang of it, even learning how to rest both feet on the scoot part of the scooter.  We took him and the scooter out in our neighborhood, going on a little walk and he crashed as he was attempting to keep up with a big brother.

Insert bandaids here.

We decided he was ready to learn how to use the back wheel to stop. He was really good at using the scooter but he needed to be able to stop so he wouldn’t crash again or so we thought. As he attempted to stop, we forgot to do so slowly and he fell again.

Insert bandaids here.

Each time our little guy fell, we made him get back on the scooter and told him not to give up. We used almost an entire box of bandaids the first week we had the scooter. Those boo-boos have healed and we now have a professional 6-year-old scooterer on our hands.

More bandaids will be needed, but for now, we are learning not to give up and scooting our way through the summer.

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Cheryl Brackemyre
Hey local mommas! I grew up in Centerville, but I now live in Wilmington with my husband Tony. Together we have 6 kids, Joe, and his wife Allison, Austin, and his wife Hannah, Sydney and her husband Hayden, Andrew and his wife Lauren and our littles, Max and Eli. Did I mention we are a little nuts starting over with this parenting thing when we are 45+? We are officially adding new titles to our names in 2022- Tiki and Jeep (our version of Grandma and Grandpa). My husband and I are both ministers, and we get to work together in a local church. We were both married before and brought our families together in 2010. After a few years of marriage we felt God's leading for us to adopt. We added Max to our family in 2014 and Eli joined us in 2017, our quiver is officially full! Blending our family has been an adventure! Add some ex-spouses and two birth mommas and we have ourselves a crazy crew! Coffee is my love language. The beach is my happy place and I long to have my toes in the sand.


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