10 Reasons Why I Hate Spongebob Squarepants


When I say “hate”, I actually use that word very purposefully and in all its fullness.

I hate Spongebob Squarepants.

If I could make Spongebob disappear from the earth I would. He, and all his under the sea friends, drive me insane. There are research studies, like legit university professors, that have investigated the destructive non-sense that is the yellow square sponge.

Here are my reasons:
(This list is not all-inclusive and should you feel so inclined, please add some of your own thoughts in the comments section.)

  1. He is LOUD. Like always. There is no “inside voice” or conversational tone ever.
  2. He talks through his nose. This is like “nails to a chalkboard” for me. This goes for both SB’s talking voice as well as his laugh. (Reasons 1 & 2 are actually enough for me but if you need other reasons I will continue on with my list.)
  3. He, like another severely disliked character Caillou, can not solve any problem on his own without whining or acting like the world is ending.
  4. The show adds nothing productive or educational to life. No really. I mean some people, I suppose, find it “funny” but when have you ever heard anyone say “oh my kid learned that from Spongebob (or any other SB character.)”
  5. The humor, if you should define it as such, is usually about the making fun of the idiocy of one of the characters.
  6. How old is Spongebob anyway??? He is getting a boating license, yet lives on his own. He goes to school but also works full time at the Crabby Patty. I realize that most cartoon characters do not age, well except Dora apparently, but Spongebob’s frozen age is not even close to defined.
  7. The show overall promotes the idea that being rude and disrespectful is okay.
  8. Likewise, being unintelligent and simply just being obnoxious is also okay.
  9. Name another kid’s show where the main characters are hypothesized to be based on the seven deadly sins. Those are definitely not the qualities I really want my child glorifying.
  10. Patrick Starfish is vastly annoying. That’s reason enough.

Are you #teamsquarepants or #teamanything else? (Except Caillou… no one should ever be #teamcaillou.)



  1. Thank you! i am a mom against SB!!! Its not allowed in my house at at!! I feel like i am always defending why i don’t like it.. As a home school mom we only allow things that have an educational value to it.. no reason to dumb our children down! Not to mention I find it offensive to women with the whole crusty crab in bikini bottom.. That’s just gross!

    • I know it’s like 5 years later, but Good Lord, I can’t believe I sat hear and read through this woman whining about a literal cartoon.

      Not everything has to be educational. There is no connection between “Krusty Krab” and “Bikini Bottom”. You’re the one who made that innuendo. It was written by a marine scientist, for God’s sake.

      You ban SpongeBob in your house because it annoys you. Because you personally don’t like it. That’s it. If that’s the hill you want to die on, fine. But don’t do mental gymnastics trying to find something wrong with the show, so you can pretend you’re doing it for the good of your children rather than for selfish reasons.

  2. Thank you! I get crazy looks when my kids tell people to please change the channel we aren’t allowed to watch Sponge Bob!

    The humor is very crude if anything and it is all about things my kids are bound to learn as they age but don’t need to learn from a sponge in pants.

    My kids also aren’t allowed to watch Uncle Grandpa. I don’t even think I need reasons with a title like that.

  3. You said it better than I ever could. Not allowed in my house. At least there are a few lessons to be learned in whiny Cailloo.

  4. Spongebob is not meant to be a show where you learn anything from it. It’s supposed to be a show where you laugh at it for its ridiculousness. If the show teaches anybody about anything, it’s that the show teaches people thats it okay to be their goofy, annoying selves. True friends will accept you no matter what. Patrick had spongebobs back no matter how goofy and annoying spongebob was. If the show teaches anything, it’s that the show teaches true friendship.

    • Totally teaches friendship, especially with your example character Patrick. That’s why he was okay with “kidnapping” Gary, made Spongebob act like a total airhead to impress his parents, won’t share his secret box with him, is constantly bailing on his ideas, shaved Sandy, stole Spongebob’s grandma… need I go on? So many of his traits suggest he’s not a moron, just a manipulative jerk.

  5. Apart from the fact that his show has been running for far too long and is the only thing Nickelodeon seems to be interested in, I’m just sick to death of seeing him everywhere. I have the character’s name on my block list for every site I am on that allows a block list and he STILL crops up in in images, GIFs, comments etc. I can’t even browse for music I like without the comments section drowning in ‘I HERD DIZ ON SPUNGBAHB QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE’ comments.

    And don’t get me started about how munch my wife hates him. Makes my hatred seem tame.

  6. I’ll have you know spongebob is a great show that actually teaches kids lessons also with a little humor. Kids don’t need to learn with Dora 24/7. Spongebob teaches kids to have fun and there friends are always there . In the Spongebob movie, King Neptune doubted spongebob and Patrick to get the crown plankton stole and took to shell city. Princess Mindy beilieved. She taught kids how to believe in theirselves to accomplish there goals. Spongebob did it! And he got to be manager. See the lesson is never give up no matter how much of a kid you are. It is not inappropriate or has not been running too long. In the first episode “help wanted” first cane out in May 1 1999, Spongebob wanted that job as a fry cook at the Krusty krab. However, he did not give up in fact. Squidward is an example of the doubting person in this episode. He will do anything to prevent spongebob from reaching his goals. But you know what? Spongebob fed all those anchovies and proved Squidward wrong. Having Squidward or plankton in the show is not bad at all. It does not teach kids to be wrong. It teaches them that there is going to be negative people in life that you have to prove wrong. Spongebob however does solve problems and never gives up. It teaches kids friendship. It is not offensive in any way.

  7. Everyone here who says they hate Spongebob clearly has not picked up on the subtle capitalism commentary, the fact that THEY DO TEACH ADULT LIFE TO CHILDREN through their absurdist narrative, and my personal favorite, the notion that you can make mistakes and that’s ok. The silly humor and quirky characters are an excellent form of media and you guys are all limiting your children’s minds by refusing to let them watch what they want.

    Mothers are supposed to nurture their children, and that includes letting them make their own choices. If they want to watch Spongebob, fine, let them. Listen to music or read a book, you don’t have to hear him.

    I’m sorry but you are all bad parents and your children will grow up to become bad people as a result. Good day.

  8. I think the absurdist narrative and humour in Spongebob can only be appreciated by (young) adults. While I do enjoy occasionally watching an episode with my teenage sister, this show is definitely not good for little kids – the plot is too random and happens too fast, the loud visual and sound effects overstimulate their brains, and the show is packed with cartoon violence. Yes, teaching a kid independence is very important, but in my opinion, children don’t always know what’s good for them, and in order to teach them how to make good decisions, parents have to make some rules and restrictions first. (You wouldn’t let your kid eat candy all day, would you? Then why let them watch shows they’re clearly not old enough to understand properly?)


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