
Andrea Mirlenbrink

Andrea Mirlenbrink
Hello! My name is Andrea! I am a born and raised Cincinnatian, and I currently live on the West Side with my husband and two young children. I went to UC, so in my heart I will always be a Bearcat! I have a Masters degree in English, and I love to write and teach. I currently teach English at Cincinnati State. In my spare time, I like to read, write, and craft with the occasional television binge watching. I also enjoy doing anything Disney-related with my family!

Do Not Follow In My Footsteps

As a mom, I constantly find myself looking for ways to be a better mom and help give my children everything they need to succeed in life. Like most moms, sometimes this come with...

January House Reset

January brings not only a new year and fresh start for any personal goals or resolutions, but it can also bring a fresh start for our homes. With the holidays coming to an end,...

The Stockings Were Hung…

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care… That line from the classic "The Night Before Christmas" story we all know and love has always resonated with me. Ever since I was little,...

Giving Thanks and Giving Back

Lately, I have been focusing on teaching my kids how to give thanks for what they have, and how they can give back to others, too. This time of year, I make an extra...

Matching Family Halloween Costumes

To match or not to match? That is the question. Every year as Halloween approaches, I start brainstorming costumes for myself and my family. It has become sort of a tradition that we dress up...

Our Homeschool Why

We are a homeschool family. Honestly, I never thought I would be a homeschool family. I didn’t grow up being homeschooled and I am a teacher, so of course I value education. We registered...

To the Stay-at-Home Moms, Working Moms and Everyone in Between

If you have kids, it is probably one of the first questions people ask, “Are you a stay-at-home mom, or do you work outside the home?” We are finally getting to a point in...

Potty Talk {Striving for Inclusive Restrooms}

It is time for some potty talk. No, not the dreaded potty training phase, but a lesser-known potty issue. I’m talking about public restrooms. There is a special kind of dread when my children tell...

Water Safety Ideas for Kids and Parents {Become Water STARS}

School is out and summer is here! This means that we are busy trying to find ways to keep our kids busy over the summer. One of the items on many of our summer...

DIY Garden Decorations

It is that time again! Warm weather brings with it the inspiration to decorate and make our yards and garden look nice for the year, right? Now, I do not have a green thumb,...