Barbie, Friend or Foe?


BarbieLet’s talk about Barbie. More specifically, the Barbie movies. When I had my first daughter (and later my second), I didn’t even consider the possibility that I would one day know as much about these films (can you even call them that?) as I do. Then one day, a few years ago, a family member passed a few of them down to us and my oldest fell in love. And my youngest, as all little siblings do, followed suit.

It really could be worse. For the most part, while cheesy (and incredibly pink), the movies essentially tell classic fairy tales or other “girl power” type tales that are mostly harmless. Barbie is generally a strong character and the music is actually pretty catchy. I am not ashamed to admit that the girls and I jam out to several of the songs on my ipod while driving to and from preschool. **I will go on record here though as feeling very different about the Barbie Dreamhouse TV Series. I actually don’t let my kids watch those for a number of reasons. Watch one episode and you will understand.

And so, from those first few movies, our collection grew. We bought the movies about Barbie as a mermaid and as a fairy ($5 rack at Target!) We acquired the Christmas movies and it just kept going. Now we literally have EVERY SINGLE ONE.

DSC_0041Including the most recent one. Barbie in Princess Power was just released at the beginning of this month and I caved and bought it for the girls because Nora was so sick and didn’t want to do anything but lay around the house and Meredith was going crazy being trapped inside with us. And sadly, this one actually started to really rub me the wrong way. I understand that it is a Barbie movie and with that comes a certain mandatory tolerance for girl stereotypes and all things pink. But, even for Barbie, this one was pushing it a bit.

DSC_0039First of all, lets talk about the fact that she is even a princess. She can’t just be an average girl who happens to randomly obtain super powers ala Spiderman. No, she has to be a PRINCESS who randomly obtains super powers. And of course her outfit is pink… I would expect nothing less of the Barbie franchise. However, the name she chooses for herself simply can not be forgiven. The name is…

SuperSparkleYep, Super Sparkle. Not something as innocent as Wonder Woman or even Spidergirl. It could have been Super Barbie and I would have been okay with that. Nope, it had to be the most ridiculously glammed up, girlified name imaginable. And her eventual female competitor (wearing the lesser female color purple) has the even more creative name… Dark Sparkle.

I won’t even talk about how they all speak in the most ridiculous valley girl twangs imaginable or how all of her major super hero good deeds in the beginning include things like rescuing small dogs from oncoming traffic.

So, here is my issue. I don’ mind that my girls are girlie. I don’t mind (that much) that they like Barbie. But, I do really wish that it wasn’t so obviously stereotypical. Barbie has and always will walk the line between female strength and female weakness, but this movie missed the mark on a concept that actually had potential in the Barbie realm. Fortunately, I feel like the lives of my children are well rounded enough that this movie can be watched and enjoyed by them without too much permanent damage. But, keep it up Barbie and I might have to revisit my grudging tolerance of your gradual take over of our DVD cabinet.

Until Fall of 2015, when the next Barbie movie hits store shelves…


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