Be Thankful for You


She is able to stay so calm when she’s frustrated with her kid… I told my kid I was going to give him up for adoption the other day. I should really be more like her.

She eats so healthy and feeds such great food to her kid… I ate half a bag of fun-size Butterfingers for lunch the other day. I should really be more like her.

She does such a great job limiting TV time with her kids… yesterday we watched 4 movies in a row. I should really be more like her.

Her yard always looks so amazing… mine looks like my house is abandoned. I should really be more like her.

Her house is always so clean and organized, AND she always has clean towels. I should really be more like her.

I’m not going to do this to myself anymore!

My son was born in June of 2011, so it has been three long years of comparing myself to other moms. Three long years of trying to change different things about myself to be a “better” mom, only to be disappointed when I couldn’t live up to these expectations. Three long years of never thinking I was good enough. I’m done. I am the only mom that my kids are going to have, and if I don’t start appreciating who I am and embracing my gifts and my limitations, how am I going to teach my children to do that for themselves? I am going to be thankful for me, in all of my perfect and imperfect glory.

I’m thankful that my messy house is often a result of choosing to spend time playing with my son.

I’m thankful that I have enough self-awareness to know that sometimes I just need to take care of myself instead of washing that stupid load of towels.

I’m thankful that I say sorry when I raise my voice too much.

I’m thankful that I love to laugh and have fun with my family.

I’m thankful that our family has food. Any food.

I’m thankful that my body is healthy and able to grow beautiful babies even though I’m overweight.

I’m thankful that I want to be a good mom… that I am a great mom.

MomcollageI don’t know why it took me this long as I am normally a very self-assured person, but I am finally comfortable with myself as a mom. I’m absolutely positive that all of the moms of the world have been through this doubt, these comparisons, at some point in their journey through motherhood. 

[quote]Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed[/quote]

– Linda Wooten

Whether it lasted for weeks, months, or years, I am writing this post to tell each and every one of you that you are doing a great job. I challenge every mom who is reading this to appreciate who you are, and more importantly, who you aren’t. I don’t care if you like a clean house or don’t mind messiness. I don’t care if you make home-cooked meals or eat takeout every night. I don’t care if you work full time or stay at home. I don’t care if you let your kid watch SpongeBob or forbid even the mention of that name. I don’t care if you breastfeed, or bottle feed, or are trying to revamp the wet nurse industry. You are great. You are wonderful. You are doing an amazing job.

You are who your kids are thankful for.

You are the only you.

You are the best you.


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