I don’t want COVID-19 to end.
Why may you ask? Simply put – I am enjoying this time.
This sounds completely bonkers, but hear me out. I was laid off from my job almost two months ago. Goodness, time certainly flies. In the beginning, I was struggling. I enjoyed my job and I really, really miss it at times. However, as time progressed and my anxiety settled, I have really pressed into this time and began to enjoy the stillness and time with my family.
Of course, I do not want people to get sick and die. I eventually, want the world to go back to normal. Anyone else want to eat a nice meal in your favorite restaurant?
I want to be able to take my child to the park to burn some energy off – LORD KNOWS SHE NEEDS IT!!! I want to go to places like Kings Island and heck, go swimming. I am longing for an amazing summer.
However, at the same time, I love the lack of a to-do list right now. I am really liking the fact that I have more time for the things that matter the most. We have been spending a lot more time as a family unit together. We have started a collection of board games, so much fun! Our fave? Monopoly. We have baked a cake, just because! Why not? Who doesn’t love cake?
I also don’t want to pretend like everything is perfect all the time either. We have way too much screen time in my house at times. I occasionally binge-watch a series on Netflix while she’s playing with her dolls in her room. We have cereal for dinner. Ellie and I argue sometimes because we have spent way too much time together. Her sass has made me say things in my mind like – “Man, I want to go back to work!”
On the flip side, this could be only a half-hour later…
She’s snuggled up against me sleeping while we watched a movie. When her mouth is slightly open, and she’s snoring ever so softly in my lap. I pause the movie… the house is silent… I live for those moments. My heart melts into a puddle and I regret thinking those thoughts instantly.
I believe with my whole heart that God is using this time to press pause for many of us. To retune our hearts to remember what matters most in life. Our families, and those closest to us.
I want to hear from you!
What have you enjoyed about this time? What are some of your biggest struggles? Comment below and let’s start a conversation.
I have always been the main bread-winner in our home but had a deep desire to be a more hands-on mom! We were an over-scheduled and disconnected and I know I am to blame for that. I have been blessed to have my job during this whole time but it has changed dramatically as I traveled for meetings 70% of the time. We have gone hiking, had play dates, built forts- all things I was missing out on. I can even translate my 4 yr olds excited “speak” which is hard to understand and it killed me I wasn’t around him enough prior to be able to. I too am loving the slowed down pace -albeit- I’m ready for our lives to pick back up a bit the exception of my job/work.
We’ve systematically dismantled and destroyed our economy to stop the spread of this disease. The sooner it ends, the better. You know you can bake cakes and play board games with your daughter any time, right?