Crafty Fun for (Nearly) Free, is a series that explores budget friendly craft activities for kiddos of all ages. We will show you how to maximize a few bucks and simple supplies for hours of fun and entertainment!
This edition of Crafty Fun highlights the often overlooked, but incredibly versatile medium know as clear contact paper. All of the supplies used in the activities below were purchased at the dollar store or I already had them in the house. My total cost for everything you see below was: $5.00
Nature Suncatcher
Good for: Toddlers, Preschoolers, & School Age Kids
What you need: Clear contact paper, Items you collect on a nature hike or in your backyard (they need to be able to be flattened), Scrap paper
What you do: Have fun collecting your nature items. Cut two matching pieces of contact paper and remove backing of one piece. Have your child place the nature items on the sticky side of the paper. Once finished, sandwich the items in with the second piece of contact paper (sticky side to sticky side). Trim any rough edges and “frame” with scraps of paper that you have around the house. Hang in your window for a fun decoration that will reflect the seasons.
Button & Tissue Paper Flowers
Good for: Preschool & School Age
What you need: Clear contact paper, Tissue paper, Buttons, Plastic drinking straws
What you do: Cut two matching pieces of contact paper and remove backing of one piece. Cut or tear tissue papers into squares (or whatever shape you want). Place tissue paper pieces on the sticky side of the paper. Leaving some “free” space helps the two pieces of contact paper adhere better to one another. Sandwich the tissue between the two sticky sides of the contact paper. Cut the flower shapes in the contact paper. Glue a button to the center of one side and secure a drinking straw to the center of the other for your stem (I just used tape.) Place them in a glass to display. My kids love having “fresh flowers” in their play kitchen.
Water Color Resistant Paintings
Good for: Toddlers, Preschool, School age, & Adolescents
What you need: Clear contact paper, Water colors, Watercolor (or paint) paper, Brush
What you do: Cut fun shapes out of the contact paper. The sky is the limit here. (My girls chose Halloween shapes today.) Cookie cutters are great for creating the shapes for this project. Place the sticky side of the shape onto the paper. Let the child paint the page however they want. Once dry, remove the contact paper for a really cool, artistic image that is truly frame worthy!
Shape Creations
Good for: Toddlers & Preschool
What you need: Clear contact paper, Colorful drinking straws (cut them into a variety of lengths)
What you do: Tape the contact paper to a window or a wall with the sticky side out. Let your child use the colored straw pieces to create some 3D art or to practice making different shapes. If your child is still a younger toddler, I recommend sitting with them during this activity.
Image Transfers
Good for: Preschool, School age, Adolescents
What you need: Clear contact paper, Images or text from magazines, Popsicle stick, Item to transfer image to (This can be another piece of paper, glass jars – I found the ones I used in the dollar spot at Target! – or another object of your choosing), Wax paper.
What you do: Select and cut out your images and place them face down on the sticky side of your contact paper. Lay the paper backing back on the contact paper to provide protection for the image. Rub the image firmly with the edge of your Popsicle stick to help transfer it onto the contact paper (this is an important step, so make sure you spend some time on it.) Remove the paper backing again and cut the images apart. Submerge them in a container of water and let them sit for 2-5 minutes. Remove the images from the water and rub with your finger to remove the paper pulp. You can run under water to help get some of the excess off if that helps. Lay the images out to dry on wax paper (the contact paper backing that you removed will work for this as well.) Once dry you can adhere the images to your chosen surface with Modge Podge. (This can be made by mixing Elmer’s glue with water if you don’t have the pre-mixed store bought variety on hand.)
Happy Crafting