Living By a List


Living by a listWrite it down!

The familiar orders I chant to myself daily. Moms have a lot going on, and I feel confident that most of us will lose that thought if we don’t take two seconds to write down.

I had no idea how busy moms were until I became one myself. And that my friends is when the madness of list-making began. I discovered that lists are just one of the many ways that I keep my life organized (or at least try to) and my mundane task list attainable. I don’t get everything done, and I usually beat myself up for it (thanks to my Type-A personality). Call it old school or not, I experience joy from crossing an item off of my multitude of to-do lists… even if I had to put it there after I accomplished it!

Each week I designate a small amount of time, preferably child-free and husband-free (with coffee in hand) to gather my thoughts and get organized for the week. Planning usually happens on Sunday so I can be prepared to tackle my game plan come Monday morning.

5 Lists That I Live By:


This list sets up my entire week. If I write it down, it is more likely to happen. At some point we all have to make an appointment, go to Target to buy a birthday present (and a million other things) or call that friend we haven’t talked to in months. Make sure that you plan for that trip to Starbucks as well- you deserve it!

“Meal Plan”

Meal planning saves time, money and stress so if it isn’t a part of your weekly routine, I suggest giving it a whirl. I am not an expert by any means, but when I have a clear plan for dinner, everyone is happier! Start by looking at the activities that your family has planned for the week and schedule accordingly. Monday is always a crock pot day for us, as my daughter has dance class at 5:00. I like to choose a casserole day, a go-to day (something like tacos or spaghetti), and of course a restaurant day. What mom doesn’t enjoy a dinner that she doesn’t have to cook or clean up? I make myself a goal of trying 1 or 2 new recipes each week to jazz things up a bit. Fixing meals is a large part of a moms job and we must keep it exciting. Eating chicken nuggets and macaroni & cheese every night is not good for anyone!


Grocery shopping is not one of my favorite things to do, as I usually have helpers in tow. Making a list for the grocery is necessary for survival!  After I meal plan for the week, I immediately start my grocery list. I make time to glance at the sale ad and look through my coupons to make my trip even more productive. Some moms that I know use the sale ad to plan meals to save even more money. I am  not there yet, but I will alter my plan if one of my meals includes a cut of meat that is not on sale. All you need to do is save a few bucks and that coffee trip is justified!


My personal goal list is one that sits idle a little more than I  like. It involves doing things to better myself as a wife and mother. You all know that exercising, getting more sleep and eating healthy are just a bit more challenging when you have a family to take care of. However I do find that if I make an effort to tackle one of these goals, I am a much happier person. Everyone in my family benefits from that. Living by this list certainly needs to be a priority!

“Bucket List”

There are many types of Bucket Lists and even as I could make one for myself or my husband and I, I choose the focus of this one to be my on my girls. There are so many fun and exciting things to do with kids and certainly not enough time to experience them all. Each month I make note of community festivals, new venue openings and special events throughout the Cincinnati area. I will even add in fun crafts, art projects, or even a new recipe that may compliment a particular season or holiday. This is by far my favorite list to make and add to throughout the year!

Hopefully I have inspired you all to try living by a list. You might like it! I know for sure that it helps to keep my sanity in check. Grab a fancy notebook, a new pack of post-it’s or a bright colored pen (or your I Phone if you must) and get to work. Get organized, and create a list that works best for you. And remember, don’t forget to take time to enjoy that cup of coffee!

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Allison Farley
I'm a small-town girl, born & raised in Ohio. I've lived in Cincinnati since 2003, and am grateful for all of my adventures in this wonderful city! My husband Mike & I have two daughters, Audrey and Josephine. I have been a SAHM since our first daughter was born, which means most of my days are filled with story-reading, adventure-planning and playing dress-up. I love event planning, fashion and make up. Coffee & Reese's Cups are among my favorites as well! One of my sought after hobbies is finding time for "Me Time" (by myself that is)....we all do that right? I look forward to sharing the joys of motherhood with all of you!


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