“Would it be crazy?” Me, literally asking my husband about going back to college.
“Nope,” he assured me. He never, ever told me I was crazy. He hates it when I doubt myself.
I had many reasons NOT to. I work full time, 40 hours a week. I’m a wife, a mommy, have a personal life, am a blog writer and I’m hugely active in my church. I hardly had time to breathe. I also enjoy rest, actually. I also enjoy time with my family. I knew that this would involve a lot of my time.
Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. I had plenty of them.
However, I had a HUGE itch to do more. To be more. To continue my education. Out of a wim one day, I applied to the University of Cincinnati ECE online program. I thought I wouldn’t be accepted… I would of been told I was absolutely bonkers. A few weeks later, I found out I was accepted. Holy cow.
Once the initial shock wore off, I filled out my FASTFA and all of the ducks quickly got into a row.
“Wow. I’m really doing this,” I thought to my self.
And here’s 3 reasons why:
1. Be an awesome role model for my daughter – I want to show my daughter that she doesn’t have to have everything figured out so quickly. Mommy wasn’t the normal college kid at 18-19 years old, and I don’t expect her to have her life figured out that young either.
I model to her constantly. She will sit and do her homework right next to me and it’s amazing. I study my developmental standards for my college courses, she goes over her spelling words.
2. To go for my dreams – It is SO important for me to show my daughter that if she can dream it, she can do it. I want her to be whatever she puts her mind and heart to. I do not want her to grow up and just be. I want her to love what she does. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved children. I wanted to teach! I wanted to be like so many of the wonderful educators I grew up admiring. One day, I dream to walk into a classroom and for it to be mine. It’s a big dream! But, I can do it.
3. I do not want to have regret – Who wants to regret not trying? It’s funny when you start making steps, it’s like what you are supposed to do falls right into place. I wanted to go for it, with all my heart.
I just finished my first semester at UC. I only took two classes, and I aced them both (humble brag)! I did it. I am currently on my winter break, looking forward to tackling the first of the year. I decided to try my hand at three classes next semester. I’m probably crazy for doing so, but I can be a little crazy.
Moms, if you feel like you need a change, make it. Do not wait. Just do it! Life is too short to be unhappy. Go for your dreams! We are never too old to do so either.