Professional Career Options: How Do You Find Your Fit?


This year marks 20 years since I graduated from college and I still am trying to figure out what to do with my life. Although I will say, the greatest thing I’ve ever done is have my son; career-wise, I am momentarily puzzled. Getting into my 40s and having that much time behind me, yet that much ahead of me strikes a comparison every day within myself.  Where I have been, what experiences I have, my personal background, my professional background and what that means for me now and in my future. Surely I can’t be the only Mom who feels this way?  

I’m sure some of us Moms go back to their exact same job a few weeks or months later. 


I was not granted the same opportunity. With that being said, I knew my job I had when I had my son was not the right fit for me career-wise for a host of reasons. What the universe handed me (only 6 weeks postpartum after being in labor for 40 hours and an emergency cesarean section) was a call from my employer stating we were downsizing and I would no longer have my position shortly after I returned from my maternity leave. Was I crushed? No. Stressed? A bit. I knew I wanted to stay home with my son as long as possible ideally so maybe this was a prayer being answered (and I still believe it was).  

That was over two years ago now. My almost 3-year-old is the light of my life and a very active, healthy boy (praise the Lord!). Now if I could just figure out how to fit in a career while being a Mommy and the best schedule for myself and for him. I am considering going to a career coach. Someone to objectively look at my resume – past and present – my education, my personality, my interests, etc. Maybe there is something I am not seeing or an idea I haven’t thought of yet? Possibly going to a career fair or my county’s jobs and family services website, chamber of commerce meetings or website for job openings, my school district’s website… these are a few options I have considered. Your local library may have many resources as well-even job openings there.  

Looking for a fresh start after going through a big change can be very daunting! It’s definitely important to me to do something that is meaningful and of a helpful capacity while using my strengths to my advantage. Two years seems like awhile to go without earning a paycheck (although I feel like I have been working non-stop, am I right SAHM’s?!). However I do feel like finding the right thing and taking the steps needed to get into my goals is what I should be doing now. In the meantime, I will continue enjoying writing for Cincinnati Mom Collective, volunteering at our church, assistant teaching at my son’s preschool and taking care of him every day.  


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