Nope, not our monthly mortgage. Not my lottery winnings this year. And definitely not the cost of plane tickets for our wannabe vacation this summer.
Embarrassingly enough, this is the amount of money that has been spent on our strollers, cars, and wagon. Basically, anything that is going get our kids from point A to point B.
While cleaning out our garage a few weekends back, I started noticing just how many of these items we had accumulated over the past two and a half years. Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to do the math. Now I kind of wish I hadn’t.
How many different modes of transportation does one family need? To paint the picture a little better, we have an almost three year old and a nine month old. So in an effort to help either new moms or other gullible parents like myself, here is my inventory (in chronological order, in case you were wondering):
- The Single, All-In-One Stroller
This is a standard registry item when you are expecting your first child: the stroller, car seat/base combination. This stroller definitely came in handy when our little one was still in their infant car seat. It’s critical to not wake them as you jet around town. Once they outgrow their infant car seat, eh, it’s pretty much just your standard stroller. Final verdict: Pass (see double stroller) - Jogging Stroller
Ha. Ha. Ha. I asked for this for Christmas one year, because wouldn’t my husband just love it? After all, aren’t you pressed for time when it comes to exercising after you have a child? Why not kill two birds with one stone. When it comes to jogging, this was used maybe twice? Final verdict: Pass - Radio Flyer 3-in-1 EZ folding wagon
Radio Flyer wagons are so nostalgic, right? We thought we were being so proactive in getting a wagon that has two seats (we can grow into this!) AND the EZ fold was critical as we could take it anywhere and not have it take up the entire car. The number of times we’ve actually had both seats occupied (minus stuffed animals): zero. The numbers of time we’ve folded the wagon up and taken it out with us: also, zero. Final verdict: KEEP! (I still believe this will get its use in time!) - Double Bicycle Trailer
“Wouldn’t it be so much fun to get one of those bicycle trailers to take the kids out in and get some fresh air and exercise?” We may as well have said: “Wouldn’t it be so much fun to get one of those bicycle trailers to take up space in the garage?” Final verdict: Pass - Umbrella Stroller
In preparation for going to the Taste of Cincinnati, I HAD to have an umbrella stroller. I’m pretty sure I said, “Can you imagine taking this bulky, single stroller downtown in the crowds? No way! We need one that is easy to maneuver.” We don’t use it very often, but it is nice to have around as a backup. Final verdict: Keep - Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll n’ Trike
If you have never seen one of these, its pretty much a stroller/tricycle combo. Our logic was that we would buy a tricycle down the road anyway, so why not have one that served as a stroller substitute in the meantime. Our oldest is definitely ready to start learning to ride a tricycle, but we haven’t quite found the time to break out the manual and transition it yet. Adding that to our to-do list! Final verdict: Keep - Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
A first birthday gift for our oldest. He loved it and still does. It’s nice that the floor comes out, so he can Fred Flintstone himself around on his own. And when he was younger or doesn’t feel like doing the work we can push him around. Why hasn’t Little Tikes created a handle to attach to these yet? Parents with aching backs demand answers! Final verdict: Keep for kids entertainment, Pass to avoid the chiropractor - Double Stroller
We got this when we were pregnant with number two. As of right now, this our go to. It might be heavy and bulky, but I like the flexibility of using it with an infant car seat, one seat, two seats, a roller board, etc. In all honesty, knowing we were always planning on having more than one kid, I would have rather bought a double from the get-go vs. the single. Final verdict: KEEP! - Step 2 Ride On Push Car
This was bought out of our anger for the Cozy Coupe not having a handle. Also, as a cool little car, we use it to lure our oldest to take walks with us as we push the baby in the stroller (note: this would be the perfect time for the two-person wagon or double stroller). Final verdict: Keep
We have certainly made mistakes and been sucked in by flashy ads and commercials, and I’d like to say we have learned our lesson, but I know I can’t. Just the other day, our neighbor zoomed by in a Power Wheels truck, complete with a cell phone hookup, playing some sweet summer tunes. Here we go again…