5 Ways Therapy Makes Me a Better Mom


I have always been a believer in therapy – for other people. I’ve seen positive results in my family and friends. Heck, I am even married to a psychologist. BUT, for various reasons, I was skeptical of the benefits in my own life. But when I learned I was pregnant with my second (two under two) the week of my 34th birthday, I felt the universe was telling me it was time.

And would you guess what?

It’s been such a fulfilling experience! In just six months, I feel transformed – a better mom, a more focused worker, a more patient spouse, and a better friend to myself.

Here are my biggest takeaways:

Therapy is guaranteed me-time.

Every other week, I know I will have an hour to myself to talk about whatever I want and to explore whatever I want. There have been times where I’ve thought to myself, “What on earth are we going to talk about today?” But, we always find something. Personal therapy provides a safe and non-judgmental environment where I can explore my thoughts, feelings, and experiences – without feeling like I’m bogging down my friends or spouse with my “problems.” Too often as mothers, we prioritize the needs of our families, at the expense of our own emotional needs. Therapy provides a dedicated space to focus solely on me, fostering self-awareness and self-discovery.

Therapy has improved my communication skills.

As a writer and a (big time) talker, I’ve never struggled with communication. Effective communication, on the other hand, is a different story. Through therapy, I have honed sharper communication skills, which have helped strengthen my family dynamics and reduce conflicts with my husband. 

Therapy has helped with stress and anxiety management.

Being a mom with a full-time job is not easy. The demands of parenting and my own high-strung nature, coupled with the pressures of my job, have the potential to create overwhelming levels of stress and anxiety. Therapy has helped me find coping strategies and techniques that help me manage my emotions, big and small. This not only benefits me and my mental health but will one day set a positive example for my son on how to regulate his emotions.

Therapy has strengthened my self-esteem.

If you’ve ever felt that being a mom has left you feeling like you have lost your sense of self, you are most definitely not alone. Therapy has helped me reconnect with my own identity and build a stronger sense of self-esteem. As I have worked on my own personal growth, I feel better equipped to navigate the challenges of motherhood and I feel much more confident in my role as mom and partner.

Therapy sets a positive example.

When I prioritize my mental health, I am setting an example for my family and friends. And, I hope this is setting the stage for my children’s generation to understand the importance of seeking help when needed and taking care of his well-being.

I found my therapist by comparing my insurance plan to providers on the Psychology Today website. If you’re looking to give therapy a try, start there! Or, ask your primary care provider or even your OB/GYN for a recommendation. And, if you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the national Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988, or 911 for local first responders in case of emergency.


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