Forget the princesses, pumpkins and superheroes. Let’s get real. The list of Halloween costumes below is a more satirical realistic representation of our lives. See you later, Elsa. Goodbye, Thomas the Tank Engine. Hello, Smashed Peas!
- The UPS man who delivers our Amazon packages
- A dragon who doesn’t love tacos
- Trail mix lost to the floor of my car
- The dinner they refuse to eat
- A ball of emotions (all of them, at one time)
- Moana but 24/7, 365 days a year because that’s how. much. we. talk. about. MOANA.
- A toothbrush/chew toy
- Fancy clothes because Mom’s got plenty she doesn’t wear anymore
- Jingle bells because they know no seasonal boundaries in our house
- The florist at Kroger who gives out free balloons and stickers
- A green crayon (they taste the best 😜)
- The bean that was once stuck in a nose
- Favorite sippy cup (subject to change at a moment’s notice)
- The Cookie Monster
- A permanent marker (highly sought after, often hidden)
- The Target dog, Bullseye
- Unwound roll of toilet paper
Bonus: wishful thinking Halloween costumes:
- A clean playroom
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- A good listener
- A hot cup of coffee
- Matching socks
What should your children actually be for Halloween? Comment below!