Every chef or baker, from amateur to professional, will tell you the importance of having a well-stocked pantry of staples that are used often and in many different recipes. As someone who crafts with and without her kids, I will tell you, this same thing is true about crafting.
Even if you don’t consider yourself artistic, if you plan to do any crafting with your children at all, I highly recommend putting together a pantry to keep on hand. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Mine is a set of bins I keep on shelves in my basement and pull out when the mood strikes. And it doesn’t have to be expensive. Many of the items listed below can be purchased at The Dollar Store or bought in bulk on Amazon.
In addition to the pantry items, I strongly recommend the following two things:
- Trays – I use these, but cookie sheets or even foil cake pans from the dollar store will work. The main benefit, aside from helping with messes, is that the slightly raised edges help keep things from rolling away from little fingers.
- Aprons – While also not essential, they definitely help with mess. I used these when the girls were younger and use these now.
The Beginner’s Pantry:
If you have young children or don’t feel like getting complex in your crafting, you can start and stay here. These items have endless potential and are great for the toddlers and preschoolers in your life.
- Puff Balls
- Googly Eyes
- Popsicle Sticks
- Paper Plates
- Elmer’s Glue
- Glue Sticks
- Paint Brushes
- Washable Paint
- Large Sequins
- Feathers
- Crayons
- Colored Pencils
- Foam Stickers or shapes
- Pipe Cleaners
- Construction Paper
- Do-a-Dots
The Intermediate Pantry:
This includes everything listed in the beginner’s pantry, plus some more complex mediums that will challenge both creativity as well as fine motor skills.
- Jewel Stickers
- Markers
- Contact Paper
- Aluminum Foil
- Marbles
- Smaller Sequins
- Stencils
- Watercolors and Brushes
- Hole Punch
- Ribbon
- Buttons
- Yarn and/or String
- Tissue Paper
- Craft Glue
- Lacing Needles
- Safety Scissors
The Advanced Pantry:
Again, this includes everything from the previous two lists along with more specific items that still have versatility, but that you are really only going to purchase if you find yourself becoming a more intentional crafter.
- Hot Glue Gun
- Acrylic Paint and Brushes
- Modge Podge
- Decorative Scissors
- Glass Beads
- Oven Bake Polymer Clay
- Styrofoam Balls and/or Wreaths
- Fabric
- Scrapbook Paper
- Scrapbook Stickers