Why I No Longer Consider Myself “Crunchy”


I am confessing something right now that I haven’t even officially told my closest friends.

I still love all my herbal remedies, essential oils, and my chiropractor, and I will always choose organic food when I can. I’m sorry, there is no greater-tasting fruit than fruit stands on the side of the road in the country. I will always stand by that.

However, I decided I no longer consider myself “crunchy.”

If you don’t know what “crunchy” means, it means using or eating healthy and all-natural products whenever possible. Of course, there are different levels to it, and most people fall somewhere on a spectrum. And everyone does not care about the same things. The opposite of crunchy is “silky” – no food label checking, you honestly just do not care about natural products, chemicals in food, those types of things (I am not judging you if this is where you fall. I am just giving a loose definition).

Now, of course, like in every community, there are some people who look down on those who are not 100% this way. Meeting people like that used to discourage me greatly as I learned new ways to care for my family. I always felt like there was a standard to reach and I could never get there.

But that’s not why I am disassociating myself from the label.


Most people who have met me within the last six years would call me at least somewhat crunchy. I do care about natural products, and I do use them and will keep using them as I choose. There are some aspects of “crunchiness” that I am not budging on because it works for my family. But I’m not apologizing anymore for ordering a pizza on a busy day, or when I just flat-out want one. I am not shying away from a Coke and fries when I am out by myself without my kids.

I missed perfume. My old perfume. The not-so-good stuff. So I wear it because I like it. When I am working or writing or I am flat-out exhausted, the TV is on and that’s just what it is. My kids eat snacks from the gas station (nothing with red dye, though, I am very strict about that)! After co-op or before our evening activities, if it’s been one of those days, I am pulling into a drive-thru and my kids are having fast food.

I don’t care anymore.

Three of my kids have certain dietary restrictions and I will continue to keep our routine going. Some things truly upset my stomach and give me headaches, and I will keep adjusting based on how I feel. But there is a freedom in my life that I was missing that I have again, and I do not apologize for arriving here.

I taught myself how to cook, and that included healthier options, like sourdough bread. I never thought I would be the woman who made her own bread (and butter!) but I do, and I enjoy doing it. I have challenged myself in the kitchen in many ways, and I am so glad I did it. I believe I am a better woman for it. I will never forget the feeling of growing my first tomato, pepper, and basil. I still care deeply about these skills. But there is balance to this thing called life and I am walking freely in my choices now.


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