
The Joy of Giving

As we head into the holiday season one thing I want to make sure I teach my kids is about the fun that can be had in not only getting gifts but in giving as well. Of course, it...

Parenting is Hard

My kids are spoiled. I want to give them the world. I never want them to go without but now I see the harm that I've done from giving in. One night, my son was scared in his room. My husband...

Merry Blended Christmas!

Dividing time at the holidays doesn’t have to mean dialing back on any of the magic of the season. Christmas is one of my favorite times of year, and I love all of the traditions and magic that come with...
Parenthood is not a solo job.  Even single parents have days where they just Can’t. Do. It. Alone.  I raised my daughter alone with no child support and an absent father for over three years.  My family all moved...
Everyone knows what a traditional advent calendar is. We open up a door or box every day in December and get some kind of treat. There are Lego Advent Calendars, the new Wine Advent Calendar from Aldi (um, YAY!),...

Find Your Merry

Tis’ the season to be jolly, fa la la la la… Who hears those words on repeat in this holiday season and instantly mumbles, yea right la la la la blaaahhhh, as stress attacks your mind with your to...

A Montessori Christmas

Christmas in a Montessori home may look different than a non-Montessori home. For starters, we won't be watching Christmas specials together on tv; we don't have screen time for our toddler. There also won't be the latest electronic toy...
When my daughter was four months old, we celebrated our first Christmas as parents. I had no idea where to begin with shopping. She, obviously, had no preference. I mindlessly bought gifts, at some point, losing count. For the...
If you receive a request for “just a few more minutes” of snuggles, how do you respond? Do you: A. Think about the pile of dishes out in the kitchen that needs to be washed B. Twitch while considering the email...
I am a quiet person who enjoys hushed tones and silence. When I had my son, I had to make a conscious effort to talk to him because my natural instinct is to observe, get the job done, and...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps

School Open House Featured Image

School Open Houses