
It’s All About the Dip

I love football. I prefer to watch teams that I care about (Boston College, Bengals, Falcons), but I actually enjoy all football.  I have been known to partake of some fantasy football festivities and I enjoy the playoffs and...
Grief, loss and death are not the happiest of subjects and no parent looks forward to the day when they have to address this subject with their child(ren).  However, it is unavoidable.  At some point, you will find yourself...
Cincinnati is an amazingly weird city. Yep, that's right, it is weird. I never realized how weird it was until I started meeting people from other cities. When people ask you where are you from? They don't expect "Cincinnati"...
On my last trip back home, my family sat around the dinner table and reminisced and brought up stories from the days of old. There is a really good one about how when I was around four or five...
Do you need a creative head start on planning that next birthday (or other) party?  CMB contributor Christina has you covered!  In this new series, she will be giving tips and ideas for a variety of different themes guaranteed...
  I was getting bored with our normal oatmeal recipes this week, and thought it would be fun to create an oatmeal recipe that tasted like an oatmeal raisin cookie. This recipe is simple, and Audrey and I both gobbled...
A few months back, in the late summer, I overheard and witnessed the following scenario (I have named my characters but I have no knowledge of what these 3 girls names actually were): Three girls approximately 8-9 years old were...
The most common cause of female infertility is four little letters you may never have heard, unless you or a loved one have experienced the diagnosis - PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). PCOS is the name given to a cluster...
Up until about three weeks ago, I had never been to Cincinnati. What I knew about Cincinnati was the Bengals, Big Red, and the fact that most East Coasters spell it Cincinatti, which I honestly don't understand myself. My husband...
You're invited to join Cincinnati Moms Blog and Circus Mojo at our Circus Playdate for the whole family! When: Wednesday, February 18 10:30a (circus fun for an hour and then a snack afterwards!) Where: Circus Mojo Center, 326 Elm St, Ludlow KY Who: Your whole...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps

School Open House Featured Image

School Open Houses